Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nageswaran nails it

Read this piece


Ironically, many commentators thoughtlessly refer to India’s 3.5% real growth rate in the first three decades after independence as the “Hindu rate of growth”. That is absurd. The policies fashioned by an avowedly atheistic Prime Minister who was as uninformed on Hinduism as he was on economics laid the foundation for India experiencing mediocre growth for a long period after independence. It was the Nehruvian rate of growth. Now, the Congress party is once again overseeing the derailment of the growth ambitions of a resurgent India in the new millennium. Mission accomplished.


The blame for letting the congress government derail the growth ambitions of the country have to fall on the secular educated indians who on the name of communalism have destroyed the hopes of millions of poor individuals. The hope for these poor people was in India growing massively. But hell no, we want to ensure "communal harmony". It does not matter that hundreds of people were killed in bomb blasts routinely. Oh well we got our secularism to support. 

What more can we say!

Well well well

the free doling of power has finally caught up with the Congress in AP.

See this

The good old days of NO power cuts under Babu weren't good enough for him to win the elections. So, I do not expect any change in the status quo.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I think its time for the

Great Man to stop playing One day cricket. It is no insult. It has to come to an end. It is better now than 2 years down the line. 

A nice piece on this

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Well this statement explains it best

I wonder why terrorists bother to hurt India when we can do a far better job of it ourselves.

Full piece by Nageswaran here

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

So will Quebec learn?

Politician play a prominent role everywhere. Quebec is no different. Read here

The unions and the PQ claim to be worried about the children, but their main concern is protecting their own professional and political interests. Never mind if the majority of the province's students continue to struggle in English, learning more from pop songs than they do in the classroom.

The ceremony

It went well. One more friend joins the band of married. Quite happy for him.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Just completed watching the TV show "Monk". I watched all 8 seasons. It was awesome! I loved Adrin Monk's character. I usually hate detectives, as most of them are brash and over smart folks. But, I found Adrian Monk endearing with all his quirks. It was lots of fun!

Now its time I find another TV series to watch!