to see this interview of Graeme Smith
Poor guys is all I can say!
This has been a very interesting week. Some good news. But along with the good news I also received a sense of all that can be wrong with my career choice. To put it differently, all that can and will go wrong if I do not curb it right now and here. So, more than celebrate the good news I celebrate the fact that I realized this. Of course that will not solve the problem. But well, if I hadn't identified it will never be solved. So, I will try to be happy with what i found out. Hoping it will work with time and loads of patience and luck!
Sali Tripathi on Japan and its resilience in the face of adversity
In 1945, the Little Boy and the Fat Man, as the two atomic bombs were called, were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, levelling the cities. But flowers bloomed again. Until then, we must help, offer compassion, and express admiration for a remarkable people who know how to rise from the ashes.
I sincerely hope they emerge stronger out of this tragedy too!
By Tripathi
There will always be the “what-about” question, and you can fill in that blank with the rogues you don’t like. But if Libya is not the place, and this is not the time for an intervention, where and when will it be?
See full article here