Thursday, September 06, 2007

Reporting from India

The trip this time has been more relaxed with less traveling. However, with my driving classes, India vs England and US open it has been busy all the same. After 3 years in US you realize there are many things that have changed your perception in life that you sometimes feel really weird in some situations in India. However, as long the basic intentions of what and where to spend your life are clear there won't be any dilemma in making the important decisions. It is important however to realize living in any country for 3 years will change you in a small but significant manner. It is necessary to be conscious of those changes.

Went to my dad's native place today. Was tense to go there and as I expected the meeting did take place. It was not pleasant and I don't know if I handled it correctly. But there is a lasting image in my eyes that I will remember all my life! However, I have moved on and there is no going back. That much I am sure. I don't know if the decision is correct or wrong but it has been made a year ago. I am now working on accepting it and will work hard towards that!

Tomorrow will be another trip. Should be fun!!

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