Saturday, June 28, 2008


There has been a lot said about how Zimbabwe is under crisis. Robert Mugabe, a despot, has ruled the country for many years and is responsible for the dire straits people are in. Yet,the world ignores the atrocities. Well, I will not question that. Every country cannot be invaded like what USA has done (to Iraq). But, as civilized countries with respect for individual dignity, shouldn't we at least oppose the despot on principle. Shouldn't the countries control the financial resources going into the country by sanctions or even severing the trade relationships. The least a country like India can do is cut off its cricket relations. I know the Congress government is spineless and shameless. Yet I hope they will do it. All I am asking for is common sense. Is it too much to ask?

On a similar note, the stupid BCCI has decided to suppot Zimbabwe's full member status. I write this with disgust! How can these people live while making such ridiculous decisions. The role of a country in abetting crime is not far away from the role of the criminal himself! Do you remember England's reception to Hitler or Osama bin laden being supported by US. Histiry teaches a lot. If only people (or leaders) are willing to learn!!

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