Friday, June 10, 2011

Will any of this really matter?

Unfortunately, the crisis in the Congress is structural. Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi seem to be wilfully oblivious to the responsibilities that come with power; the prime minister thinks silence is a substitute for duty. Some of its smart ministers are too arrogantly clever by half to project any credibility. A large section of the party is too submissive to ask the nasty questions that should be asked of the leadership. And those who take up the cudgels of public argument have no sense of proportion or judgement about what to say, when. What is it about the Congress party that repeatedly produces an intellectual culture that turns intelligent people into self-destructive political animals? It has performed the miracle of turning a moment of great hope for India into a moment of political despair.


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Over the course of a wedding in Delhi, I got myself into a strongly worded conversation with some friends (I met for the first time, I know, I am crazy!) regarding the state of politics in India. Especially with regards to the state of politics in Delhi and the rule of the so called secular party. Over the last two months, the congress part and its government has descended into a level I thought were not possible (even for the Congress). The handling of Baba Ramdev (a joker no doubt) itself is a testimony to the idiocy that prevails in Congress and its ministers. To offer a red carpet to a Godman and then arrest him at midnight, not to mention label him as RSS in a matter of two days is funny, incredibly stupid and worrisome! Its just unfortunate. Of course, any country in a democracy gets the government it deserves. Indians do not have the spine to stand up against what is wrong. I am not asking people to fight here. I am just asking people to vote. I am sick and tired of hearing that there is no credble alternative. Anything can be better than this congress rule. I mean if you generate a random number and make decisons on government policy, it will be better than this! I only wish it were a computer generated code that runs the country as oppossed to the distinguished PhD that we have as a PM. 

 Mark my words, the moment Rahul Gandhi will step in as the PM cadidate everybody will forget all thats bad with the current congress and vote him to power. Its not a matter of if it will happen, its only a matter of when. Long live the Queen and her sons!

1 comment:

kevin said...

holla,nice post friend :)