Wednesday, November 14, 2012

As always Guha makes a very good point here


on Nehru (link via rajesh)

Nehru's policies were ideal for the times. For a country just formed there were far larger goals than growth and prosperity. The issue of a nation was at stake. So, what Nehru did was follow a slower bu traditional state sponsored growth - a requisite element due to the lack fo infrastructure after the indepdence. However, his descendatnts have ruined what he started by pushing the agenda in the wrong direction to suit their electoral needs.

An excerpt

Living outside India, insulated in their daily lives from the consequences of the deeds or misdeeds of Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, and Rahul Gandhi, both Nelson Mandela and Mikhail Gorbachev could appreciate the sagacity and moral depth of Nehru’s political vision. We who live in India are however inhibited from doing so by the unfortunate accident whereby control of our most powerful political party has passed on to Nehru’s descendants.


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