Friday, May 10, 2013

Something does not seem right

a prochoicer becoming a prolifer. Her story

What worries me is the conviction in how she is sure that being pro-life is the right choice. There are very many sibtelities involved in this decision that any body who is dead sure (prochoice or prolife) is being naive! 

So, let us say parents figure out the child has a disability - severe form of autism - What should the parents do? Is abortion in that situation wrong? The reason they are doing it (if they decided to do it) woulbe be because it is immensely hard to take care of the child and it comes at a cost to other children the parents already have or might have. So, it is far from a simple decison that a person who has no stake in raising the kids can make. So, I believe that the parents should be able to decide - not the government. if you are pro-life good for you - but dont make pro-chocie people as "evil". There is something fishy when you start calling your opponents evil.

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