Sunday, December 31, 2023


 Another year comes to a close. 2023 gives way to 2024. 

It has been a different kind of year. Health issues have been a recurring theme all year. But, through all of that I hope I gained something. 

Work wise it was a tough one in some ways. But again there were some positives. My student got a faculty job. I am proud of the student's achievement. It has been a year of learning even after several years of experience as a Prof. I don't know what I learned and what I can change but I just hope to do the best I can. 

Personally, our family unit is doing ok. I slip up many a time but it's still ok because of what my other half does. She has been supportive in dealing with health issues in India. I couldn't have been a responsible son without her carrying the load at home. I owe that to her (among several other things). Kids are getting older with their own personalities. It's mostly enjoyable but with some significant challenges. Again, not all of them are simple or easy to address but we will keep trying.

Slowly but surely my intentions to settle in India are weakening. It's not a easy decision but it's very hard to re-establish life back home. That's something I am realizing with all the challenges we face here. Having my sister in US is also making me analyze my decision. Let's see..

On other mundane stuff, we updated our car to an Odyssey and I am happy we did it. It makes the drives to visit family easier.

One good thing that I started in 2023 is to get back to swimming. I hope I can continue this well in 2024.

Wishing any readers a happy new year and hopefully you and your family will have a prosperous new year.

Hoping for a good year of doing my best (and our best as a unit). 

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