Monday, January 01, 2007

Another year passes by

very soon 2006 is over.....

it went so fast i did not even realize...
I will try to recap and see how much of the year i really recollect

in india till 21st ... reached US.. attended TRB conference.......

i talk to someone.. finally after landing in the US..... thungs are not great

Did not realize somethings were going on...

sem began ...... 3 courses .... did not like one course....


courses ok....
realized that I was blind to something...

a good friend moved away from austin.. to work.. and i had a new room mate....
and a nice party to send him off.. and a nice gift too......
semester got busy...

after a long time... i talk for the last time......did not know that was my last talk... or else i would have atleas asked for _______

the project was not going very well.... so we were preparing ourselves to look at a C++ project
learned other database related stuff... esp postgresql...
courses were getting real boring :(

Had a talk.. there were differences in opinion.. i was stressing out unnecesarily

go on an awesometrip to gaudalupe mountains.... it was ol ..but it kicked ...
and more things become clear...

CEMDAP falls on me...... we started with fear.. we started loving it....


We finish work on time for conf....

fought a losing battle _______
and realized i lost something.... and i ..and mak no mistake.. i am responsible for my loss.....
guilty without doubt!!!!!

the presence of my undergrad friend during this period was good.. it was nice.....
mov in with a new roomate.....

my paper.. i turn it in.. my prof does not like it.. instead asks me to work on something else...
still coding C++

and i send the paper to TRB...
strat prep for quals...

a very special friend finished phd, got married, and started working

my b'day went well... except for the call that i never got.. not that i didn't know....but it was the final nail....

go on a break and trip... was it great.... man had loads of fun
the talk on the trip was good.. made me feel better

comeback and start mugging
quals.... go well.... inspite of reading namesake the day before.....

my patience levels...... move to all time lows...esp with fairer sex
freshies land in.... making me realize i m getting old
and my doubts start... i find it difficult to understand....

one guy from my undergrad gumbal graduates... starts working.... 3 more to go dudes... fight...

courses start and i like them
and report writing begins...
realize i am to lead it....and also i am on another project....

somethings that irritated me moved me closer to some other things... books.......
and then work outs... started them with a vigor and continued...

quals.. i pass... orals ... i do prof says i m finishing aug 08... dont know if its good or bad...
projects and course work gets intense...

another face to face talk... things change for better...

work outs go on.....

nice little trip to emma long park... nice fun...

i knew i wasnt productive enuf.. my prof unhappy....
but i knew i was doing a lot.... 2 projects 3 courses...
u cant keep everybody happy.....

Thanksgiving comes and a trip to Lake claiborne....

lots of fun...

Sem ending courses.... and some work....
graduation ceremonies... one more goof up....
some days of rest... somedays of work...

junta leaving to india....
working on surey and cemdap
a friend moving on....
and a small party to send off .....
i start loving the home... i am in.. esp the balcony... and my roommates been cool :D

I cud have missed a lot......i dont know... but its a good enough summary......


Wish it brings me better luck and the strength to fight it out......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice summary. Hope and wish this year brings you luck, strength, hppyness and sucess.