Saturday, January 17, 2009


I sit here on my flight back to Austin trying to look back at the last 17 days. I remember everything vaguely. I met my good old friends, went to the conference, attended the fellowship program (meeting people from 19 countries). Among all these, there has been one common thought that has always been with me. May be with time I can exercise more control over it. But it has been pleasant - the 17 days. Especially, the words I heard a couple of days (reinforcing what I believed for a long time) were helpful.

Talking to and meeting old friends is one of the most reassuring things for me. I know I am getting senti, but somehow I like that state of mind. The IRF program allowed me to realize that I still have it in me to be social (not unbelievably friendly). I can engage in light hearted conversations and liven up the group like in the past. I am pleased to see that part of me being still alive.

Now after 17 days I am back and would have to work hard and for a good amount of time over the next 2 months to get everything done in Austin. I hope I can do the work required to get my PhD soon. I am desperate to complete my education and move on to different challenges. Personally, I am working on making truce with my current situation and will hiope to make it easy for the people involved. I really hope so! I mean it!

Somehow I have inexplicable feelings. But thats how I am!

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