Wednesday, September 02, 2009

A nice

piece on why so called social justice is bound to fail. Its romantic and all thinking you are helping the poor. The irony is you are only hindering teir progress.
Some excerpts
Unfortunately, heavy taxation and an overweening state are actually bad for the market economy. Savings decline. Investments decline. The poor suffer. And if the State engages in monetary inflation to fund itself, the poor lose even more. As Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek says, “Rules of just individual conduct are as indispensable to the preservation of a peaceful society of free men as endeavours to realize ‘social justice’ are incompatible with it.”

It is undoubtedly true that millions of Indians are miserably poor. However, their only hope lies in economic freedom, free trade, private property and an equal justice. Under these conditions, none of which exists today, each can try and improve his position. That is, the individual matters; not the State. All that a civil government can do is apprehend the outlaws and the unjust, maintain the peace, keep accurate land records, build roads, roads and more roads, and manage the cities and towns. Even if it performs these tasks tolerably, the poor will slowly but surely climb out of poverty. Recall that in the US, black slaves made it big in show business and sports. Even these avenues are not fully open to India’s poor today.

Lastly, we undermine ourselves and civil society when we do not champion the case for private charity and philanthropy. Where taxation is heavy, private charity is low. All the money is taken by the State and usually wasted. Government is not charity. It cannot “attempt to purchase the affections of the populace by gratuitous alienations of the public revenue”. Social justice is a sham. Say no to it. Loudly.

I know its very difficult for most people to accept this. It might even sound cold and insensitive but thats the best solution if you really wnat to help!

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