Sunday, October 04, 2009

Global Climate Change

I have discussed regarding Global Climate Change with some of my friends in the past and I have to admit I am not a huge proponent of Al Gore kind of scare tactics for getting the world to pursue measures to reduce CO2 emissions. The science behind it is not adequate enough to substantiate their claims. I am not arguing emitting CO2 at the current levels is good. All I am saying is there are more important problems, especially for developing countries, to address. I strongly believe tackling issues of inadequate infrastructure for drinking water, roads and public facilities in India is surely more important that addressing how much CO2 India is emitting. We can try to generate efficient industries and policies that ensure there is no wasteful emissions but not at the cost of policies targeted towards infrastructure. I mean still US and developed world emits lot more CO2 than India and other developing countries. Rather than asking us to reduce emissions if the developed works on those issues the earth will benefit much more! I am all for being socially responsible and all but please do not make Global Climate Change the most important issue on earth. There are more important problems that I can think of in a space of a second. Also, don't even try to say all the floods and the awry seasons are due to global warming. You don't have any idea of how the earth worked for millions of years and how irregular the seasons and other natural events were!
I got thinking about this after reading this nice article. A good read!

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