Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This article is an utter disgrace to journalism

The DNA staff's piece here

No doubt, the way BJP selected their President was poor; but at least there were multiple candidates that could have become the president. The congress on the other hand you need to be the son/daughter or grandson/granddaughter of the Gandhis. How is this even remotely same? Yes, RSS anointed the candidate - but that is not the same as a Gandhi taking leadership by birth. There is a zillion times magnitudes of difference. It is journalists like this that accord credibility to what Congress does by comparing to what BJP does. This is how the so called secualrists support their logic of supporting the Congress party. Unfortunatley most people in India see it that way. Until the magintudes of difference in how Congress and BJP operate is recognized people will never realize how ridiculous it is that a family has ruled the countryf or 80% of the time after indepdence. How can you even call that democracy! Now to compare a party that has selected a president through unanimous choice (Yaswant Sinha and Jethmaline (young) were contesting only Gadkari - once Gadkari was out they were no longer in the fray) with a party that has continuously chosen Gandhi/Nehru family member as President for nealy 50 years is true blasphemy and most importantly untrue! 

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