Saturday, August 19, 2006


People in this world are so different. every person has a very unique personality. The priorities set are very different. For some they cant stay away when a cricket match occurs and for another that seems utterly ridiculous.. there are people who put careers on their line for the so called "love"... there are people who put their families under tremendous pressure for acheiveing the so called "fame"... For some dance is a passion.. for some sports are.... but for others who dont see this view they are utterly useless .... The most essential characteristic is to appreciate the fact that people are different and so are their priorities.... the day you can accept this and make it a part of your priciples you can lead a pleasanter life. However there will still be priorities that you cannot accept..... so such people will be kept at a distance!!
what is the threshold? ... (Dont ask me!!)
there are people who are patient (or may be they dont prioritize friendships!!) who can tolerate a lot.. there are some who try to arrive at a select group of friends and live happily with them!!

Add to this another dimension of who is really happy...... Well I am not educated enough to answer this.... But I believe as an individual you can be patient to an extent that you can permit...there will always be like minded people (that fall within your threshold!!).... search for them..... and be happy.......

I feel compromising on the threshold will in the long run make you unhappy...... but if a person is on the edge do spend time to analyse to see if the person fall into your threshold..... and then proceed......

Life is interesting.................. and it shall continue to charm !!

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