Thursday, April 19, 2007

Another argument

This time it is about a very sensitive topic.
Yes, death of a person. An Indian girl died in the Virginia Tech shooting. I feel very sorry for her. But the way people sensationalize because she was killed in a particular manner is not right. People write scraps. I don't understand it. A person who is dead is missed by the family members and the ones close to her. It is they that will miss here, not everybody in the world who write scraps because they have an orkut profile and an orkut link to write. Especially, the fact that people knew about her after death is what makes it so sad. They never knew her as a live person!

If I die, I would like people to express sorrow because they knew me or I was responsible for something for them or may be some other way I affected their life, not because some psychopath killed me! I don't know if you can see the reason why I complain so much about mourning. You mourn about people who affected your life in one way or the other, not because of the media attention. By mourning about people you will forget soon you are trivializing death. I know people will argue with me about this and wont agree but there is a lack of humanness in trying to be one among the millions in showing affection for a person you do not know when she is alive. If you know a person after death, how and what are you mourning for is my question?

I will put it in a different way. There are thousands of people dying. for instance on the same day the 33 people were killed in Vtech, 180 people died in Baghdad. How much coverage does that news get in the media. Aren't those people who died of no value. By according so much importance to one side of the story you are devaluing life. Further, people mourn for the death of some because their addresses are accessible. She has an orkut profile, so write a scrap. What are you achieving by that? feeling good that you have sent a condolence message! It is all for your feel good? Isn't it? what are you doing to send condolences to thousands of people who are dying. Don't tell me I at least cared for one person. Writing a scrap is not caring and don't even dream that it is!

I don't want people to die, but when it happens please do not sensationalize it. It demeans the value of life! Imagine the death of a person in road accident. People feel, well it happens everyday. But, for the family how will the reason of death matter. Either he died because a psychopath killed or because he had a road accident its all the same. The person is no more. But for us, (media and many people) we don't care about an accident, because it happens everyday. But when a psychopath kills all your affection and sorrow is out. Isn't that an inconsistency in itself? This inconsistency is what I wanted to point out.

If you agree with me fine else I am entitled to my opinion!

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