Monday, March 10, 2008


A really well made movie on a very little known issues related to war!
Its sad that so many Indian soldiers in spite of everybody in the world knowing that they were in Pakistan after war have to suffer so much. It is nothing but the inadequacy of our system that people who fight everyday for us are left to die after a war where they gave everything for our motherland!

It is very sad that we have failed to get them out of there. It is utter failure of India and every Indian that so many of the prisoners were in Pakistan jails. I will not buy the argument that Pakistan was doing it surreptitiously. The Indian government has enough resources to get clues. It is just that the bloody government does not feel the need to do so. Its very ironic that we value so called leaders so much and treat the real leaders (who put their lives on the line) as if they are expendable. It's a sorry state!!

I somehow feel guilty too for the way war prisoners are left to lie in jails!!

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