Monday, March 03, 2008

Another weekend

Anther weekend in my long stay in Austin draws to an end. Time seems to fly in grad school. I have been in the US now for a little more than 31/2 years. It sometimes does not seem that so much time has passed. However, whenever there is a graduating batch of juniors you realize well another year has passed. I have been trying for sometime now to get my PhD proposal done. It has been going on decently not at a great speed but acceptable one. This has been a slightly rough period with my motivation levels at their lowest. I think I have slowly but surely riding over the trough and the way is only up. I am thinking a change of place will help. A long time at some place leads to stagnation. The positive side of being for long at a place is the long standing friendships you make. I am decently social, make friends for life. This has been my strength and weakness. We had some great fun today night with dinner and chat after that!!

The weekend ritual of volleyball has started. It was good today. I had fun with a good number of very nice points and some dives. I simply love whenever i dive. I thinks its one of the greatest feelings in life. Better if you can get the ball when you dive, like it happened 2-3 times today. During that time I generally scream like hell :P

anyway, its time to sleep soon.

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