Monday, March 17, 2008

A discussion

Mozart's has been a place where I have spent a number of hours chatting with friends. Yesterday was another day where I spent some time on a topic that is close to my heart. It is working on socially relevant projects in India. I would acknowledge I know nothing about what is necessary for people in India, how to go about addressing their needs and what does it involve towards achieving the goals. The main aim of organizations like AID and ASHA is to identify socially relevant projects where volunteers (in India and USA) monitor them. I know people who work in AID / ASHA. Yesterday's discussion was primarily on why don't we join these organizations to do what we want to do. For one, I am averse to schedules set by someone else. Also another thing that I am considering about is people involved in these groups are way older than me and it might be very difficult for me to work with them. Of course, these are my pre-conceived notions of the group demographics and might not be an issue once I join. My friend could not come up with reasons of why he is not joining them but somehow has not made the move towards participating yet. I agree that the experience in such an organization would leave me in good stead when I decide to move back home and work on something of interest to me. The experience in organizational skills is similar in any setup. Hopefully, I hope to make a start somewhere sometime soon.

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